Auto-Digital Thermostat ADT6401 SPX-16772

I have a question on this board. Was looking for a basic ‘how to’ or sample of using this ? (I know this is a sparkX product and there is not always detailed doc) It says “Use the SPDT switches to set the temperature trip point and hysteresis settings”

Could I use this for example to set the temp trigger point at say 80 degrees and it would drive the alarm pin high and if the temp drops below that say minus 2 degrees the pin goes low ?

Could not find an example of how to set the dip switches.


Simple test example: … t/test.ino

Dip Switch configuration found in the schematic: … eakout.pdf

All of these were searchable on the product page under the “Documents” tab.

thank you!

I have a follow up q on this. Looking at the table of switch settings here: … eakout.pdf it seems to be missing a big gap of temps from +15c to +35c. I am looking for it to trigger at around +25c (77f) with a hysteresis of 2c. Is that possible with this device ?


If you’re desired temperature isn’t in the table in the data sheet, you can’t set the part to trip at that desired temp.