Auto pHAT External Power

The Auto pHAT board has pins for powering the motors externally, but the hookup guide says that the DRV8835 H-bridge is hard wired to 5V. Do I need to disconnect the 5V hard wiring somehow before using the external power pins?

I am using a pair of L-shaped TT motors and encoders and at only 3 Ohms of resistance I find that the motor needs to draw 1.7A to start from stall when powered with 5V. If I can power the H-bridge with only 3.3V then the current draw should remain below the 1.5A max and 1.2A steady state limit.

The schematic seems to show the motor driver pulled up to 3.3V. Can you share a link or image of where it says 5V?

My apologies, I was looking at the wrong marker.

Yes, you will have to disconnect the 5V power from VIN-MTR.

Thank you. Could you direct me on how to do that?

Is there a minimum voltage on the Vin-MTR pin? Would it be 5V?

Crickets…well I figured out if I put a 1.6 Ohm power resistor in series with my motor then it would limit the current and not trip the motor controller…so that closes my question thanks.