AVC 2018... with aerial competition?

It’s been a while since the flying machines have been been a part of AVC, and I know I’d be excited to have an excuse to build a drone or plane with fun challenge in mind. Given that the FAA now has established rules under 107, and we’d be talking about registered drones and pilots, might this be possible to bring back?

I’m sure a big part of the challenge is the venue, as there would have to be a space to operate the drones away from the crowd. I spy a large field west of the facility filled with prairie dogs… Perhaps permission could be granted to operate over that field and people could be constrained to W Drycreek Pkwy if that could be closed for the event north of the entrance to PODS?

Alternatively, does anyone have any ideas for what kind of event might be held? Perhaps a totally different approach would to drastically reduce the size of the allowed drone and keep them in a pretty small box. Small and cheap off the shelf nano drones for one class, with another class that allows you to build your own with a box rule on size and weight, but allowing significant creativity in the flying machines that can compete? I really miss the airplane class, there’s something especially cool about an autonomous airplane over a drone. Spot landing challenge? Short landing? Short takeoff? I’m thinking like the competition in Valdez but with drones?

What do people think? More importantly to the AVC organizers, is there anything stopping this from coming back? Insurance? FAA? Neighbors tired of Drones in their hair?

The 2017 Sparkfun AVC was held at the Denver Maker faire, and given the turnout (especially for combat bots) I’d think they will have it at the same venue again this year. There are many more concerns then just 107 when it comes to drones, and I’m willing to bet they aren’t willing to tackle all the concerns/liability issues. So, as cool idea as this is, I’m guessing there won’t be any aerial competition.