AVC Event Schedule

I couldn’t find anything posted about how the various events are schedule, so I’ll ask here. Does the AVC rovers run at the same time that the combat robots are competing? Or do you split it and alternate between events so we can see everything while competing?


No one has an answer to this schedule question?


I personally am on this forum looking and possibly responding to things I know (or think I know) about.

But, I, for one, do NOT know anything about an AVC event schedule.

And, it appears that was held on June 20, 2015.


http://www.eventbrite.com/e/sparkfun-av … 5783839890

I know what day it was, but that’s not what I’m after. During the course of event day, are the various events run at the same time or at different times during the day. For example do they run the AVC rovers from 9am to 12pm and then combat from 12pm to whatever? Or do they tin rovers and combat at the same time all day? I plan on running a rover, but I would also like to watch my son compete with his combat robot.

This year they ran the autonomous rover and combat contests in parallel, all during the day.

Ok, I guess we’ll have to juggle schedules as best as possible. Thanks for the info.