AVC Pit Area

So what can we expect in the pit area?

Are tables supplied?

Is there power? If yes I assume we should bring a power strip?

What about security? If I leave a laptop and tools in the pit area and go do a run, how do I know everything will still be there when I return?

Any restrictions on food and liquids in the area?


Yes, we’re definitely supplying power, and bringing along a power strip couldn’t hurt.

Security? Well, we’ve never, ever, had a problem in the past. We do have SFE people in the mix, but I can’t guarantee that they’ll be watching your stuff, just looking out for suspicious activity in general. But if it would give you added peace of mind, I would encourage you to bring along a lock box of sorts for the more valuable tools.

And there are no restrictions on food or liquids. Nerds gotta have Cheetos and Mountain Dew, and we won’t be telling anyone otherwise.


If you are really worried about security you’ll have to have someone else watch your stuff. Get to know the people at the tables near you…or/and bring someone along. I never have had issues, don’t know of anyone that has.

Couple words of warning. If you come on Friday for testing, do not expect to have power. The pits were powered by generators last year, and they were not running for Friday. So, you will probably be on your own then for power, that caused problems for me last year. Also wifi in the pits can be spotty with so many access points and transmissions around. I couldn’t get any connection at all in pits, and it works fine everywhere else.
