AVR Programmer - Board Not Recognized in Arduino IDE

Hi Sparkfun,

I’m having trouble with uploading the arduino code to the board after using the AVR Programmer and I’m hoping you can assist.

When I plug into the board I see the board pop up into the correct port:


In the arduino app now, I linked the COM 4 to the serial port:


note that when I click “Get Board Info” though I get the following:


When I upload the code now it ends up giving me an error and then the board disappears from the ports and the LEDs are just repeatedly flashing on the board.


Any idea what this could be?I checked the drivers on the arduino board and they are all up to date. I’m at a loss here and need to get this code installed!

Hi zproddev, and sorry to hear you’re having trouble.

The most common thing to cause what you’re seeing is uploading to the board with the wrong board definitions selected.

Once you setup the IDE for ‘Pro Micro’, you also need to set what voltage and clock speed your particular Pro Micro is. If you have a 5 volt board and program it with the 3.3 volt board def, that changes the way the bootloader interprets the onboard crystal and that makes it so USB communication doesn’t work anymore.

Fortunately this is pretty easy to fix by dropping the board into bootloader mode manually and re-uploading any sketch with the correct board definitions. Check [troubleshooting section of our hookup guide for directions on how to revive your Pro Micro. You have to do things with just the right timing for it to work so it may take a few tries, but once you get it down, everything will be back to normal.


I have the correct board and chip with voltage/clock selected but the error still occurs. The board was a custom PCB with the equivalent components of a pro micro integrated in. The AVR Programmer & AVR dude was used to flash the bootloader. I can upload hex files but can’t get this issue in the Arduino IDE sorted out

Hi zproddev.

I actually misread your question and sent you on the wrong path. Sorry about that!

What speed crystal are you using in your design? If it’s 8MHz, you need the bootoader for the 3.3 volt board, if it’s a 16MHz crystal you will need the 5 volt bootloader.

If you’re able to see a COM port, you should be good to go as long as the IDE is setup correctly.