I got this olimex [programmerbecause I think I [slayed my dragon. I cant even get this programmer to connect with AVR studio. I plug it in to my vista64 computer and It shoes up as a new emulated comport. In AVR Studio I try to connect to it by selecting JTAG ICE and ive tried JTAGICE mkII, both of which fail to connect. Im using the ISP breakout board to connect to my target. The LED on the programmer does not light up when I plug it in, this this a problem?](Program not running the same as when in debug. - SparkFun Electronics Forum)](AVR In Circuit Emulator with USB Interface - PGM-00012 - SparkFun Electronics)
what’s better? Vista64 or rocks in your shoes?
I use a VM to run XP because I cant get WinAVR to compile anything in v64 for whatever reason. I cant get this thing working on that ither. I hate computers
using Vista64 is the hard road. And as an early adopter, you have to be patient. Else, go mainstream.
well the fact is i cant get this stupid JTAG thing working, even on a legit XP system
Ended up buying an AVR ISPMkII. Works great.