Base Station and Rover using Arduino


I have two ZED-F9P boards and one Arduino micro. Is it possible to use them to configure the base station and rover? If yes, what communication protocols are required?


In my limited experience with the ublox devices, uCenter is probably an easier and more confident tool to config the ZED boards as base and rover respectively. Once you have the ZEDs working then it’s a lot easier to start using the SF uBlox Arduino library to get your arduino to interact with and control the uBlox boards.

My recently created base and rover in the field. Still a work in progress but works great gathering survey data. Apologies for the yellow electricians tape holding some things together–not everything could get machined nicely for this last trip.

Thank you for your response. For some reason, I cannot get u-center working on my computer. I was hoping to use the SF u-Blox Arduino library to create a base station. Since UART-2 is configured to transmit RTCM messages, I was hoping if there is a way I can use a Bluetooth transceiver with UART-2 to achieve this.

if you’re going to work with these ublox devices, you REALLY should push to get ucenter working on your windows box. it is much easier and confident to config and confirm the settings of the ublox devices via ucenter than using arduino or python code. it’s worth the time to get ucenter working.

there are tutorials how to attach a BT board to uart2. i can’t remember if they’re on SF or elsewhere. goggle around for it