Baud Rate Setting to Support RS232 Shifter

I’m using this RS232 shifter -

This shifter is used to convert IMU UART signals to TTL for a microcontroller to read. I noticed this shifter can only run up to 115,200 bps as noted on the webpage.

I set the IMU to run at the maximum 921,600 baud rate. What sort of issues would this cause? Should I decrease the baud rate to 115,200? What is the difference between the IMU’s baud rate and the bits per second of the shifter?

Here is the data communications protocol (DCP) manual for the IMU - … 0-0067.pdf

On page 26 of the DCP manual there is a UART bandwidth formula. I am only outputting extended kalman filter (EKF) euler angles from the IMU, which I believe creates a 22-byte output. At the maximum EKF sampling frequency of 500 Hz, the formula comes out to be:

(60 x 500) + 10(22 x 500) = 140,000

The closest baud rate setting is 115,200. This matches with the capabilities of the shifter, however, we need to make sure that the baud rate of the IMU and the bps of the shifter are the same concept. For this to be true, it seems like there needs to be one bit per baud - … /baud.html

Thank you in advance!

I set the IMU to run at the maximum 921,600 baud rate. What sort of issues would this cause?

bps = baud.

It won’t work, the maximum rate for the sifter is 115200. Any faster and you will loose data.