Becoming a Digikey Supplier

Hello Sparkfun community!

I am a long time fan but first time poster. The reason I am posting is I am curious what it takes to become a Digikey supplier. I noticed that many Sparkfun products are now carried on Digikey. I would like to know, because I have aspirations in selling some evaluation boards of my own on Digikey and I am unsure of where to start. My focus is on high performance RF parts, so it is a small niche where I think I can provide a service to the broader RF community as a whole.

I look forward to hearing from some more knowledgeable people than myself!

I don’t know why you’d be asking here instead of at Digikey, but if you go to you’ll find a link labeled “New Supplier Inquiries” that leads to a form you can fill out.