Beefing up output of stock Arduino Motor Shield

Bought a motor shield…before I measured the current draw of the motors on the power wheels truck I was planning to drive with it…(sigh)…

Each motor draws 3 amps no load. Too much for the stock Arduino motor shield, even at low PWM’s, even with a heat sink, even with a heat sink and fan…(sigh)…heats up and shuts itself down. Measured 230F on the heat sink last night :o

Trying to figure out an easy-ish way to beef up the output, get at least those 3 amps, plus a few for loaded current.

Have a load of each IRF9Z24N P-channel and FQP30N06L N-channel MOSFETs.

Thinking an H-bridge on the motor shield outputs. Ch A+ drives the left side of the bridge, Ch A- drives the right side of the bridge, along with the required pull-up/pull-downs on the gates, and diodes across S & D.

Not sure if the motor shield will drive those FETs hard enough under load.

Going to build it up at any rate.

What will smoke first?

Disregard…I pulled my head out of my arse…

Built up an H bridge from scratch rather than try to beef up the shield’s output.

Not quite as pretty, but handles a buttload more current and barely warms up the MOSFETs.

Can you post up a schematic and parts list you used?


Standard H bridge, PWM and DIR control, literally thousands of Google hits…

Why not add one more? Why do you have to be a dick? Hell at least I was nice about it.

Not being a dick. I didn’t do anything that 3 bazillion people haven’t done before me. Not to mention that there isn’t a handful of schematics, etc. right here on Sparkfun.

I’ll do this much…

Are you worried that someone will notice something wrong in your circuit?

Knock Knock

First run on the protoboard. Dual motor, bidirectional, logic level 4 wire interface.

Worked well enough, but obviously wires too small. Handled about 10 amps before I noticed some insulation started sagging. MOSFETs were barely warm to the touch.

Second run is in the works…fatter wire, paralleled power MOSFETs, etc.

Good enough for you?