Do any GPS modules have an update rate greater than 1Hz?
None of the GPS receivers on the Spark Fun Elec. website update more than 1Hz. I would love to add one, but they are still a bit cost prohibitive.
I’m using the Garmin GPS 18 5Hz. It’s true 5Hz data update rate. Antenna and receiver are integrated in a small 2.4" puck so you place it in the best position and run the cord to your serial port without loading you board with another device. Serial rate up to 38400bps. Garmin provides a nice windows interface for configuration.
It cost a bit more than most GPS OEMs, $200USD, but this is the low end of the threshold where update rate and $$ jump into the thousands.
I have mine running at 38400bps with only two NMEA sentences turned on, so I spend very little overhead parsing the data and have plenty of time for navigation and controlls. The cable also has a 5Hz pulse trigger for data updates.
Jeff produces also GPS modules that are able for an output rate more than 1Hz NMEA. i (in germany) bought two of them for under ~100$. but you need to buy an antenna.
The iTrax03 series from Fastrax supports up to 4Hz update.
The older iTrax02 series that I’ve been using had processing power for up to 3Hz update if I remember correctly. I think this wasn’t specified anywhere in the basic documentation for the iTrax02 but it has user configurable update rate and I think there was some document about the possibilities and processing power limits where this was mentioned.
But the iTrax02 is EOL anyway and for the current iTrax03 model the 4Hz update rate is specified in [this document.
I see this new smaller dimension version [iTrax03-S says 5Hz.
I don’t know about the price but a quick search revealed this page: … ax_20.html
which gives £25.17 as a price for the iTRAX03-S which is about $43 and appears to be a QTY 1 price.
Also looking at the iTalk binary format documentation looks like the modules would provide carrier phase and pseudorange information: … html#TRACK … tml#PSEUDO](](
mellbrook: produces also GPS modules that are able for an output rate more than 1Hz NMEA. i (in germany) bought two of them for under ~100$. but you need to buy an antenna.
I’m using the u-blox LEA-4A - update rate is 4 Hz max. I’m interfacing it to a Siemens MC55 GSM module, with a PIC. I think I can get the production version down to about 3 cm x 3 cm.