I am attempting to make a simply bike computer for a stationary bike. The microview will display speed and total distance. The “ride” will be started with a push button and then the wheel rotations will be counted by a halleffect sensor that drops low every time the wheel passes with a magnet. I am having trouble with the code below. Is there anything obviously wrong. I apologize for my code as I know it is sloppy.
#include <MicroView.h>
MicroViewWidget *widget,*widget2;
int buttonPin = A0; // push button pin
int halleffect_state = 0, halleffect_value=0; // variable to store the pushbutton status
int start_pin = A1; // push button pin
int start_button = 0; // variable to store the pushbutton status
unsigned long start_time;
unsigned long run_time;
int wheel_counter=0, wheel_counter_new, wheel_counter_delta;
int wheel_circum=2250;
float bike_speed=0;
float total_distance;
void setup() {
widget= new MicroViewGauge(32,30,0,20); // draw Gauge widget at x=32,y=30,min=0, max=100
widget2= new MicroViewSlider(0,0,0,20); // draw Slider widget at x=0,y=0,min=0, max=100
pinMode(buttonPin, INPUT); // initialize the halleffect sensor pin as an input
digitalWrite(buttonPin,HIGH); // set Internal pull-up
pinMode(start_pin, INPUT); // initialize the pushbutton pin as an input
digitalWrite(start_button,HIGH); // set Internal pull-up
void loop() {
start_button = digitalRead(start_pin); //button to start the ride
if (start_button == LOW) {
start_time = millis();
wheel_counter = 0;
halleffect_state = digitalRead(buttonPin); // read the state of the wheel counter sensor
if (halleffect_value != halleffect_state && halleffect_state == LOW) {
wheel_counter = wheel_counter + 1;
halleffect_value = halleffect_state;
if (wheel_counter % 5 == 0) {
wheel_counter_delta = wheel_counter - wheel_counter_new;
run_time = millis() - start_time;
bike_speed = float (wheel_circum * wheel_counter_delta * 3.2805 / 5280. / run_time * 3600.);
total_distance = float (wheel_circum * wheel_counter * 3.2805 / 5280.);
wheel_counter_new = wheel_counter;
widget->setValue(int(total_distance)); // give a value to widget
uView.display(); // display current page buffer