BlueSMiRF error correction

When BlueSMiRF sends data from one to another, what happens if interference prevents reception? Does it verify transmission and retry, or might data just be lost?

It doesn’t natively use any error checking that I’m aware of (other than standard BT CRC for the packets themselves), but you could try to increase the partial frametimeout and/or implement some error checking one the client & server side

Note: BlueSMiRF, based on the RN-41 module, uses the Bluetooth Serial Port Profile (SPP) for communication. According to the Bluetooth SPP specification, error control is not enabled by default. However, for applications where interference and packet loss are a concern, the Enhanced Retransmission mode in the L2CAP layer can be configured to provide error control and retransmission of lost packets…however you’d need to handle that as a DIY…feel free to post your code here if’n!