blueSMIRF Silver

I want to find out if the blueSMIRF silver will pair up with another blueSMIRF silver rather than a PC. In other words can I connect two microprocessors together using two blueSMIRF silvers?

They sure can … 8b4567.png - each module is capable of Bluetooth In/Out, you would simply pair the devices via BT

Our hookup guide … her-device has an example that covers pairing 2 bluetooth devices :smiley:

Will the BlueSmirf Silver module be available again soon???

We do not have plans to continue carrying the SMiRF products (for now); please check out our or that might suit your needs.

Hope this helps!

I am also interested in either a blueSMIRF or an equivalent (for example, the HC-05 or HC-06). These devices are getting hard to find. Is there an equivalent low cost bluetooth SPP-capable serial communication item somewhere?