Bluetooth/XBee ADXL345


I wanted to work with accelerometers and Arduino for the first time. I wanted to make the accelerometer (ADXL345 breakout) wireless with Bluetooth or XBee. The ADXL345 has eight pins, from which seven are needed to be used to get the full functionality.


(You must also connect INT1 to D2 for the full functionality)

Everything looks allright here. But if you wanted to add Bluetooth or XBee, it’s a bit harder. I have no idea how I need to do this.

I wanted to use: ADXL345 breakout → Bluetooth transmitter → Bluetooth transceiver → Arduino UNO → led at pin 13

or: ADXL345 breakout → I2C-to-UART converter → XBee Antenna → XBee Antenna → Arduino Pro → led at pin 13

Does anyone have a idea how I can do this?

Thanks in advance