BME680 Pressure Sensor Capabilities


I am very interested in SEN-16466 for a potential application in a device that we are proto-typing for the market. This sensor seems to have an incredible array of capabilities. But, does it respond fast enough and have enough sensitivity to be used for the human application? That is, does the pressure sensing capability have enough sensitivity to measure flow changes caused by people breathing in and out? Is the particle detection sensitive/responsive enough to measure changes in a person’s breath composition? If not this sensor, is there one someone can recommend?

thank you so much!

Pressure measurement on the BME680 is pretty sensitive, but your question

That is, does the pressure sensing capability have enough sensitivity to measure flow changes caused by people breathing in and out?

can only be answered if one knows more information - is the person breathing onto the BME680, how far away, indoors or outdoors, etc. I used the BME680 to detect doors closing/opening in a refrigerator and a room and it was sufficiently sensitive.

Breath composition, on the other hand, is a different subject altogether. The BME680 cannot measure or interpret that.

Hello! thank you for your reply. The application would be where the sensor is inside a tube and a person exhaling into the tube and forcing air past the sensor. The tube would be a few inches long. It sounds like this might work?

how far away, indoors or outdoors, etc. I used the BME680 to detect doors closing/opening in a refrigerator and a room and it was sufficiently sensitive.

Breath composition, on the other hand, is a different subject altogether. The BME680 cannot measure or interpret that.

Hello! thank you for your reply. The application would be where the sensor is inside a tube and a person exhaling into the tube and forcing air past the sensor. The tube would be a few inches long. It sounds like this might work?

Also, is there a way we can connect with Sparkfun to engage with their alacarte design services etc?

If you put a restriction in the tube after the sensor, you should be able to see a difference in pressure. You might even be able to detect a change in pressure without a restriction depending on how fast the air is moving, you will just need to try it and see what happens. Just make sure the sensor stays dry as condensation can damage it.

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Thank you!