Hello Community,
I am from germany, and at first of all, I need to apologize for my english,
the next point is, that I use an Adurino UNO with an BMP280, so far so good,
now, I want to use an OLED SSD1306, that I can see the informations the BMP280
I am complete new the whole matter is still pretty new to me and I do not know enough to fully implement that.
Can somebody help me with it please?
Thank you!
Hi CptPicard,
To get started with this project, I would recommend taking a look at [this section of our Hookup Guide for the SparkFun Micro OLED Breakout.
Specifically, there is a section covering Drawing Text on the SSD1306 that will help you get started printing the serial data from the BMP280. That should help you write some simple code to print the serial data your microcontroller is reading from the sensor. Basically, you want to send any serial data that would be sent to, say, a serial monitor over the UART of your Arduino/other microcontrollers to the display.](https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/micro-oled-breakout-hookup-guide#using-the-arduino-library)