BNO080 - AR/VR stabilization – game rotation vector


I want to use the AR/VR stabilization of the game rotation vector on my BNO080, because the normal game rotation vector is drifting a lot and the normal rotation vector is not suitable for my application. I am using an Arduino (Mega) and your BNO080 Library.

A possible solution is described in the Datasheet: 2.2.3 AR/VR Stabilized Game Rotation vector

They say, that I need to send an FRS (Flash Record System – see Figure 1-31) record.

In you Library I only see how to read FRS records but not how to write (send) them.

Am I doing something wrong, or is there no function to send an FRS record implemented. If there is no function implemented, can somebody help me to do that?

Thanks in regards,


Hi Fabio,

The [SparkFun BNO080 Arduino Library only has functions to read the FSR data. We have a full rundown of all the functions in the library in [this section of our Hookup Guide for the BNO080 IMU Breakout. Any information available for writing to the Flash Record System will be found in the [BNO080 Datasheet and [Reference Manual.](](](Qwiic VR IMU (BNO080) Hookup Guide - SparkFun Learn)](GitHub - sparkfun/SparkFun_BNO080_Arduino_Library: An Arduino Library for the BNO080 IMU combination triple axis accelerometer/gyro/magnetometer packaged with an ARM Cortex M0+ running powerful algorithms.)

If you are still looking for a way to write FRS records, you should check this fork of the sparkfun library:–/SparkFun_ … reFunction

Thank you very much for the library :smiley:

I will try it soon. But I am not sure which length I should use in the function. Could sound help me with this? Is it sizeof(0x3E2D) ?

The recordID would be 0x3E2D, I guess :slight_smile:

BNO080::frsWriteRequest(uint16_t recordID, uint16_t length)

I have not written or used that function myself. I found it when trying to solve some problems, I faced when trying to connect my BNO over SPI.

Maybe you can contact the author via Github if you don’t find out yourself how to use the function :wink: