BNO080 as a replacement for the BNO055

Hey there!

Since the BNO055 is EOL I want to replace it with a BNO080 since it is supposedly pin compatible with the Bosch Sensortec BNO055. But I am a bit confused by the datasheets Ceva Technologies provides. Not only does is lack essential information like measurement performance (yeah, it does have something like this but rather sparse) but I also cannot find out how communication works besides their “Sensor Hub Transport Protocol”. :frowning:

In my old design with the BNO055 I was able to address registers of the sensor directy (via I2C) to alter settings and fetch (raw) measurement data and so on. I did not have to use the integrated sensor fusion software at all. So my question is, wether it is still possibe to do that with the BNO080.

Maybe someone out there does have some knowledge to share. Thanks! :smiley:



Hi @Vulpecula,

Depending on the processor you are using, you may want to avoid the SparkFun BNO080. Currently, there are a number of I2C-related issues that preventing reliable operation of the sensor. The cause is likely due to clock-stretching, but is still under investigation: … /issues/72

To answer (some of) your question, CEVA essentially wrote firmware to provide a turn-key solution, which the SparkFun library takes advantage of. It’s more of a black box than the BNO055, which is the exact same sensor.

