I’have a question about the BNO080 axis.
When I read the BNO080 (here: https://cdn.sparkfun.com/assets/2/b/9/0 … BNO080.pdf), I understand that the BNO080 default frame is define like this (see page 41): “Assume that for the device the BNO08X is mounted in,the Z-axis is Up, the X-axis is East and the Y-axis is North.”
Frame orientation from BNO datasheet:
This correspond to the frame drawn on the board.
Assuming that normaly yaw / pitch / roll is define like this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aircraft_ … _ortho.svg, I will have expected that:
Rotating BNO around Y axis correspond to a roll value variation
Rotation BNO arround X axis correspond to a pitch value variation
But when I upload the “Example17-EulerAngles.ino” from Sparkun, I have:
A rotation of BNO arround X axis give variations of Roll values
A rotation of BNO arround Y axis give a variation of Pitch values
Exactly the opposite of what I have expected.
Is there something that I miss or I doen’t have correctly understand ?