BNO080 Breakout Board I2C Communication Issue

I am using the BNO080 breakout board and am writing my own I2C and BNO080 drivers. I have confirmed that my I2C driver works with various other I2c devices, but when trying to communicate with the BNO080 using the SHTP and my I2C driver, I am getting Bus errors or Address NACKs. I have tried using addresses 0x4A and 0x4B but the result is the same.

Has anyone experienced something similar or have any ideas how to fix it? Also if there are any examples of working SDA/SCL signals that I could compare my results to then that would be very helpful since perhaps there could be something my I2C driver is inserting that the sensor does not like.


Hi, thanks for the post.

Hmmm, have you tried using the libraries and code in the hook-up guide? Can you get the device working using our code? … -hEALw_wcB

If so perhaps there is something else going on. I assume that perhaps since you are writing your own I2C and BNO080 something could be getting overlooked. We don’t really assist with this kind of stuff on the SFE forums and I wonder if the Arduino forums or similar might be the best place for you to go to. I might need to provide your customer code in order to figure out the issue.

I hope this helps.