Board disconnects immediately over USB

Plugging the board with a USB-C to A cable results in a momentary flash of the “CHG” led and nothing more.

It connects for a moment, then goes dark.

usb 3-1: ch341-uart converter now attached to ttyUSB0

ch341-uart ttyUSB0: ch341-uart converter now disconnected from ttyUSB0

A USB C-C cable results in nothing, no connection or lights. I have tried it with and without an SD card inserted.

I don’t have a battery to test with. Any ideas?

It sound like the cable/adapter might be the problem…do you have a known-good cable you can test with? (one that is confirmed to pass data over usb-c?)

Can you supply 3.3v and GND to the PTH holes and test that way? It should come pre-loaded with a blink sketch by default

Yes, the cable I am using works to transfer data with a smartphone or other USB-C accessory.

I do not have a 3.3v supply but I will see about ordering a battery.

What board are you using? Maybe share a photo or two of your setup

OpenLog Artemis (DEV-19426). Sorry, I didn’t realize this forum wasn’t board specific.

So far there is nothing set up besides the USB cable, just trying to get a serial connection open.

Hi edutchie,

It could be a power brown out issue caused by the microSD card. Please see these topics for more information: … 00#p234800 … 93#p236193

I hope this helps,


Thank you for your reply Paul. I read over these but the behavior is the same regardless of whether an SD card is present or not. It may be related to power issues, though.

After some more experimentation the power and stat LEDs light up if I hold the USB cord at a certain angle (but still no connection). Starting to think I may just have a bad board as this cord works fine on any other device I have tried it with.

Hi edutchie,

Many thanks for the update. It does sound like you have a faulty board - or at least intermittent contact on the USB connector. Please complete a return request and we’ll replace the board for you:

Apologies for the hassle,
