I checked GetXLRVersion at Sno M2.
The result was “Board Type: Hinj”.
Can you tell me how to change “Board Type: Sno M2”.
XLR8 Hardware Version = 3000
Design Configuration = 0x408
Builtin XB ENABLE = 0xF
OpenXLR8 Info Regs = 3
Do you have access to the project files used to generate the FPGA bitstream?
I use to program at arduino IDE.
So I don’t know about the FPGA bitstream.
Please tell me how to access it.
Follow our guide MicroMod Alorium Sno M2 Processor Board Hookup Guide - SparkFun Learn or theirs Snō Quick Start Guide - Alorium Technology and after geting the board pkgs going run back and select a Sno image to be used (it looks like you probably do have the board pkg working, as it appears Hinj is the newer variant…)
Then run an example from arduino IDE and then re-try the GetXLRVersion