BOB-08215 for full size SD card?

Has anyone seen a reliable full sized SD card module similar to the BOB-08215? We are looking for exactly that module for a full sized SD card. I’ve seen some from other vendors but not sure if they are reliable. Any suggestions? Thanks.


$6.90 US

How about one with DOSonChip for standard size SD card? Is that available anywhere?


I did see that site for DOSonCHIP but I can’t seem to find anyone that sells or distributes it.

$44 is FAR more expensive than $6.90.

Especially considering the Arduino and STM/LPC/Arm7 have FAT16 libraries…

and all that is, is a lpc2103 with software(probably the very same FAT16 library by Chan.?!)

EDIT: sorry copied the microsd card link first time