BOB-13263 (FT231X Breakout) Fritzing Part

Does anybody have, or know where to find, a Fritzing part for the [BOB-13263 FT231X Breakout board? This one, with the full set of pins broken out on the sides: … 263-02.jpg

I couldn’t find it in the parts db that Fritzing ships with, although it’s possible I may have missed it? I searched pretty hard though – I only found older versions without the full set of pins.


Edit: I’m sorry; original version of this post had wrong part (brain fart). Updated with what I’m actually looking for.](SparkFun FT231X Breakout - BOB-13263 - SparkFun Electronics)

Unfortunatley not every Sparkfun part has a Fritzing part. The ones that do will have a little F icon next to the product name on the product page. (For example, check [BOB-12009’s product page.)

Sparkfun does have a github repo of all their Fritzing parts, if it’s not listed there they don’t have a Fritzing part for it.](