Bugs with the Python library for the KX13X accelerometer


I am struggling to understand the output of the KX132 accelerometer. I’m using it on a RPi 4 using a servo phat as a way to connect it through the qwiic system. I think the library was released with a considerable number of bugs that I have been cleaning up as I test the library’s API. However, there is a bug that troubles me, and I wonder if it could be related to why I get different readings even when the accelerometer is lying over my desk. When running the command get_output_data_rate, I get a value of zero. If I run set_output_data_rate with something like 15Hz and run again get_output_data_rate, I still get 0.0 as an output. In addition to that, the code in the example mentions in a comment that the output data rate is 50Hz by default, but if you read the comments in the function set_output_data_rate it says that the output data rate should be a value between 0 and 15Hz. Why the contradiction?

https://github.com/sparkfun/Qwiic_KX13X_Py/issues You can file an issue here after confirming a bug :smiley: