Hey everyone, I’m in the process of slowly building a timelapse slider as my first real project in Arduino world. I have a ton of questions, and I know more will come to surface but for now I am focusing on getting the correct power requirements where they need to be, and have it done safely.
My project is being built on the OpenBuild V-slot platform (photos tomorrow evening!) accompanied by a NEMA17 68oz. 400step motor which is sold by SparkFun. The microcomputer aspects are being completed using an Arduino Uno and a Big Easy Driver. My concerns come with powering all of this, though Mr. Schmalz (driver designer) confirms my battery will work.
Can someone pleae verify/deny that my hookup will work if running 14.8v into the arduino via external power (non-USB) and powering the driver board off of the Vin plug?? I’d appreciate it!
If you put that voltage on the DC jack so it can go through the regulator. But be careful, I think that your 14.8 is going to be too high and heat up the regulator. And that the UNO can only supply ~400mA total. At 1.7A per phase, you are going to cook your Arduino.
It looks like you are running power through the Arduino to the motor power input on the driver board. That should come straight from the battery. I believe the driver board is good for 30v at the motor input but check the spec.
To run everything off the battery you need to drop the voltage going to the Arduino. The spec says the Arduino will only take 12v maximum. You could drop the voltage by passing it through a pre-regulator (e.g. a 7809) or even a series of diodes (e.g. 1N4001). A series of six 1N4001s would drop a nominal 14.8v to about 11v. The diodes go between the battery and the Arduino. The battery to motor driver board should be a straight shot.
Likewise the ground connections should be direct from motor driver to battery and Arduino to battery.
Seems like using a 9v to power the boards will work better? Then power directly to the motor driver for the motor itself with the larger battery. I’m not hardwired or anything, so I can change to best suit.