Building your own programmer?


I am using pic32 MCU and would like to build my

own programmer. Basically I will feed the hex file’s data

myself one byte at a time.

However, I require some examples

to set up the PIC32 to accept the hex file.

Does anyone know where I can get some

info or kit that can help me achieve this

in reference to this document: … pdf#page32

Any help woe really be appreciated!


This would be a major undertaking for someone with years of experience with digital electronics, bus programming and PIC microprocessors. Doesn’t a glance through the PIC32 Flash Programming Specifications documentation make that completely obvious?

Just buy a programmer and get on with whatever you want to do with the PIC.

Yep, what jremington said.

To completely sidestep the sheer complexity of the project for a moment, you’re stuck with a chicken-or-the-egg problem here, where the most logical device to use as a programmer is a microcontroller… which begs the question, how are you going to program IT? I haven’t seen any dirt-cheap PIC ICSP’s like you can get for AVR’s for $10 or less, but the PICKit 3 is only $45 (25% off via Microchip Direct if you’re a student). If you’ve seen Dave Jones’ EEVBlog video rant against the PICKit 3 which invariably gets brought up any time the PICKit is mentioned, realize it’s a 6-year-old video and most (if not all) of the issues he brings up in that video have been corrected. It was a fairly new product at the time, and most of the “missing features” just hadn’t been implemented in the firmware yet.


I am using PIC32MX controller with UART communication…

Now i need to set and get date and time using i2c protocol with MCP79410N+pic32… and displays the date and time to uart terminal… I am new one tothis. Any one pls help me to write that RTC code … ?


Rajalakshmi A

So you dug up a 2 year old thread to get help on an unrelated problem?? Then you post the same question twice in different forums, this is called “double posting” and is frowned upon on any forum site.

No one is going to write the code for you. This hobby and forum are for learning to do it yourself. I would also imagine that if you Googled it, you would find tons of info.