C Source files

I am a hobby newbe with limited experience programming Microchip PICs using the Mikroelektronica compiler. Recently I have become the owner of the GPS Logger V2.4 and the Serial SD Logomatic data logger. Whenever I download Sparkfun firmware for either of these two devices, the C files are in MicroC format. Obviously I can’t compile because the LPC devices are not supported.

Can someone explain what is happening? Thanks

They were written using the CrossWorks ARM tools. You need a copy of that, or you could use the free GNUARM tools.


They’re not MicroC, they’re just standard C. Your compiler/IDE for the PIC probably decided all .C files should be associated to it, but this is obviously incorrect in this case.

You need a compiler for ARM; GCC is these days one of the best compilers for the ARM ISA, plus its open source. For Windows, GNUARM or Yagarto packaged distributions are really easy to get going. They include all the misc tools as part of their environment.

Building the cross compiler chain is also rather simple on Linux.

Crossworks is just an expensive IDE on top of GCC. Unless you can’t function without an IDE, its an expense well worth skipping in my opinion. I will leave the preaching about emacs and the shell for another time…

thanks guys