Can the ublox GNSS library return Nmea sentances?

The library seems very powerful and feature-rich, I’d love to utilise some of its capability but I’m struggling to figure out how to just get the nmea sentences. There is an example that pipes them to a serial port but I can’t figure out how to get the library to just return the string. I’m looking for a getNMEASentence function that works like the getLatitude() but can’t find anything.

For reference, I want to format the sentence to json and upload it to notenhub with a blues notecard.


“very powerful and feature-rich” - thanks! Yes, it is probably overkill for your application. There are much simpler, lighter libraries out there which will return the NMEA for you.

However, it does support NMEA - with callbacks if you need them. Please have a look at the “Auto NMEA” examples:

v2 (M8): … matic_NMEA

v3 (F9 / M10): … matic_NMEA

Best wishes,
