Can you charge and power a device from LiPo Charger?

I just started learning about electronics though I have a technical background. My goal is to get a LiPo battery to power my device and when it is out of juice, to recharge it in situ, ie without removing the battery from the setup and charging it separately. IWould a LiPo charger do the job? I am looking at the PRT 10217 connecting to e.g. a 110mAh LiPo battery. Here’s my questions…

-Will the LiPo chargr be able to drive my microcontroller/device once it’s done charging? I noticed a couple of + and - holes in the board near the JST connector. Can I use them to power my microcontroller? Don’t really understand schematics.

  • Do I need anything else to make this work? like additional hardware or code?


L Voss

Hi lvoss.

Couple of things:

PRT-10217 is too big a charger to charge a 110mAh battery, it charges at 500mA and a 110mAh battery shouldn’t be charge with any more than 110mA. We carry an [adjustable charger that you can turn the output down to 100mA and safely charge a 110mAh battery.

As long as your device needs less than 100mA to operate, you can use it to both power your device and recharge the battery at the same time. The only catch is that it will take longer for the battery to recharge because some of the current from the charger is going to your device rather than the battery so less is available for charging making it take longer to recharge.](

Hi TS-Chris,

Thanks for the reply. Just to be sure of the circuitry, I can connect the battery to the JST connector and the device that I am powering to the 2 PTH pins (both #4 on the hook up guide). When I disconnect the charger input at the USB, the battery will then automatically power the device? The intent is not to bother disconnecting the charged battery JST and then connecting it to the device.

Yep, you got it!