I got myself the skpang based canbus shield, however I can’t seem to figure out how to do some fairly generic reading and writing on a canbus. The board targets ODBII reads from a car, however I am trying to read canbus data on an agricultural vehicle. It is using canbus, so the hardware should work. Has anybody used this board to read and write extended canbus messages? I am at 250k connection speed. I need to send a number of canbus messages.
Sorry I don’t have a solution to your problem first off, can you tell me what way you have the pins going from your shield into your Arduino? and what Arduino are you using?
Many thanks!
@thatguy: What Arduino are you using ? the Mega ? google something like the Mega hack or take a look in the schematic( you are looking for SPI-pins Miso Mosi SCK CS, maybe also INT)
@johannes: which library are you using ? have you tried www.arcan.es - seems easier to me than the one from skpang (Falls dich die Spanischen Kommentare stören kannst du die originalen bei http://www.kreatives-chaos.com/artikel/ … es-mcp2515 nachlesen)