Canbus Shield SD Card Reader Issues

Hey guys,

I recently brought the CANBus Shield (DEV-13262). I’m trying to get the SD card reader to work, however I’m having problems.

To test, I’m using this code: … rdInfo.ino

And setting the “chipSelect” variable to 9.

However, it reports that the SD card could not be initialised.

I’m working with a 8GB FAT32 micro sd card.

I’m gonna continue playing about an seeing what happens, have you guys got any ideas?

Does our example … D_Demo.ino work?

Heyah, thank you for the speedy reply!

Unfortuantly not, it prints…

Initializing SD card...Card failed, or not present

Then loads of…

error opening datalog.txt

I’ve tried on a Leonardo and Mega with the same issues.

I’ve got an Uno arriving tomorrow to test with. Could it be a pin issue?

Thanks :slight_smile:

It’s pins. Leonardo and Mega do things differently with SPI and that’s how SD cards connect to Arduino.

The Uno should work just fine. :smiley:

ah absolutely fantastic!

I’ve run some jumper wires over to the correct pins and now can write data :smiley:

thank you very much both!