Cant get passed WiFly.begin()

Hi, new to the forums :slight_smile:

I’ve recently started using the WiFly shield with your alpha revision 2 libraries (i have a revision 3 wifly shield) and cant even get it to connect to a router, doing some debugging i’ve found it wont get passed the WiFly.being() line.

I’ve dumped the serial output from SpiUartTerminal output, and could really use some help.



SPI UART on WiFly Shield terminal tool

This is a tool to help you troubleshoot problems with the WiFly shield.

For consistent results unplug & replug power to your Arduino and WiFly shield.

(Ensure the serial monitor is not open when you remove power.)

Attempting to connect to SPI UART…

I have the exact same problem. in various sample sketches, it just doesn’t get past the “WiFly.begin()” line.

Were you able to figure out a solution?

Anyone else have any ideas?
