Can't get SerialUSB.print to work on Redboard Turbo

I know I am missing something here but just starting out with this board.

I changed all the Serial. to SerialUSB. but nothing shows in the monitor. It does write the strings to the SD card.

Do I need to include a library or some other installation?




An I2C based datalogger - Like the OpenLog but for I2C

By: Nathan Seidle

SparkFun Electronics

Date: February 2nd, 2018

License: This code is public domain but you buy me a beer if you use this and we meet someday (Beerware license).

This example shows how to record various text and variables to Qwiic OpenLog

To Use:

Insert a formatted SD card into Qwiic OpenLog

Attach Qwiic OpenLog to a RedBoard or Uno with a Qwiic cable

Load this sketch onto the RedBoard

Open a terminal window to see the Serial.print statements

Then insert the SD card into a computer view the log file contents


#include <Wire.h>

#include “SparkFun_Qwiic_OpenLog_Arduino_Library.h”

OpenLog myLog; //Create instance

int ledPin = LED_BUILTIN; //Status LED connected to digital pin 13

void setup()


pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);

Wire.begin(); //Initialize I2C

myLog.begin(); //Open connection to OpenLog (no pun intended)

SerialUSB.begin(9600); //9600bps is used for debug statements

SerialUSB.println(“OpenLog Write File Test”);

//Record something to the default log

myLog.println(“This goes to the log file”);

SerialUSB.println(“This goes to the terminal”);

float batteryVoltage = 3.4;

myLog.println("Batt voltage: " + String(batteryVoltage));

batteryVoltage = batteryVoltage + 0.71;

myLog.println("Batt voltage: " + String(batteryVoltage));




void loop()


//Blink the Status LED because we’re done!

digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH);


digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);



Is your serial monitor set to a baudrate of 9600 ?

What processor board do you use ?

What happens if you put the SerialUSB.println(“Hallo” in loop() ?

Its a Redboard Turbo and I do [did] have the serial monitor set to 9600.

I suspect I somehow missed something in the installation. Should it work as shown above or do I need to load a library or install something? Thanks.

Should work without any other library. Include " while (!SerialUSB) ; // Wait for Serial monitor to open" and/or a delay(1000) after “SerialUSB.begin(9600);”