Can't send private messages sometimes

Private messages stay in the outbox for days. It has worked before, so what has changed?

Hrm. Nothing we can see here that would cause that behavior. My messages work normally - are you still seeing the issue?

A possible explanation from the phpbb community:

“It is not stuck there. The outbox is where messages go before they are read by the person receiving the pm. Once it has been read by the recipient the pm will be moved to the sent box. this allows you to edit or delete the message before it has been read if need be :)”

I didn’t realize there was thread about this question since the OP PM’d me originally. My response was:

Hi jelanier,

They stay in the outbox until the recipient reads it.



Hi, I am a new member. I wish to contact some person through a private message as I find their idea or project interesting. How can I enable private messaging? Thank you.

Until your first post is approved, you can’t PM anyone. Since I just approved your first post, you should be able to now.
