When researching the CC3000 for my project I saw it stated UDP support. But now that I’ve bought one and worked on the implementation I’ve found a note on Github that UDP receive isn’t currently supported.
I want to control my project by sending UDP packets to the Arduino from a handheld device (e.g.using the Ardumote app). Using Arduino’s Wifi library (similar for their Ethernet library) you would declare
// A UDP instance to let us send and receive packets over UDP
WiFiUDP Udp;
then call code like this in setup
Serial.println("\nStarting connection to server...");
and use
``` to receive data.
Looking through Sparkfun's library headers for the CC3000 I can't see that any of this is implemented. The only thing I can find is a connectUDP() method in the Client that requires both an IP address and a port number. I'm not expert at this stuff but it looks like a non-starter to me.
So a couple of questions:
1. Will the Sparkfun library support UDP receive along the lines of the above (I don't care if the API is different as long as a method exists).
2. If it won't support UDP, or if it won't support it for quite a while (like weeks or longer), is there a way I could do this myself? If so, does anyone have an example or pointers to what it would take to implement this?