CC3000 Breakout SPI issue


I recently purchased the CC3000 breakout board ( and have it hooked up to an Arduino mega1280 board. So far I’m having difficulty running any demo code from the SFE CC3000 library, including BoardTest.

As far as I can tell MISO is not talking back from the device. MOSI/SCK/CS/EN/INT look OK when I probe them, but there appears to be no activity on MISO. I also tried altering SPI_CLK_DIV in the library to slow down SCK to ~1MHz - this didn’t solve or change the issue. Thus, I don’t think I’m looking at a noise or setup/hold time violation.

Any suggestions? I’d be especially interested in any other simple non-SPI method to detect if the CC3000 device is ‘alive’. One suspicion I have is that there could be electrical continuity issue on the MISO pad, but since the pad is under the module I can’t probe it effectively.


There are few things you can check.

Is the library compatible with the 1284? There is another library you can look at here -

According to some posts, your connecting wires should be as short as possible.