CCS811/BME280 (Qwiic) Environmental Combo Breakout Readings

Recently got around to setting up my ccs811 and bme280 combo board. The BME280 part of the board seems to be working fine but the ccs811 is having some issues. It will frequently get proper readings but more often than not the values are way outside normal expectations for Co2 and VOC even after the 48 hour burn in period.

Readings over a period of time from both sensors:

airLog.txt (36.8 KB)

CCS811 configuration:


  • Continuous read


-Home office


  • Raspberry pi 4/ubuntu/i2c baudrate 10k

  • using the BME280 values to update temp and hum for ccs811

Any idea what may cause these erroneous readings?

This is because the Raspberry Pi does not support Clock-stretching as it should. See and read the documentation in the documents folder

Thank you very much!