I’m chasing some intermittent problems with hardware that interfaces with NRF24L01 chips, so I’ve been reviewing my firmware. I found what seems to be a bug in the sample receiver code referenced on the web site, or a mis-statement in a referenced tutorial.
The Nordic products sold by SparkFun reference tutorials here:
Tutorial 0 says:
operation allows you to read the contents of the RX FIFO if you have received a packet
(when you are in RX mode), which is generally signaled by the RX_DR interrupt. Using
this operation is a little more involved than the others, because it requires you to also use
When you are receiving packets, CE is held high. Once you have received a
packet you MUST bring CE low to disable the receiver, and then you execute the
R_RX_PAYLOAD operation…
The Nordic FOB page refers to example receiver code (http://www.sparkfun.com/datasheets/Wire … er-v10.zip). Here’s the code for reading the RX payload:
//Reads the current RX buffer into the data array
//Forces an RX buffer flush
void receive_data(void)
cbi(RX_PORT, RX_CSN); //Stand by mode
rx_spi_byte(0x61); //Read RX Payload
data_array[0] = rx_spi_byte(0xFF);
data_array[1] = rx_spi_byte(0xFF);
data_array[2] = rx_spi_byte(0xFF);
data_array[3] = rx_spi_byte(0xFF);
rx_send_byte(0xE2); //Flush RX FIFO
rx_send_command(0x27, 0x40); //Clear RF FIFO interrupt
sbi(RX_PORT, RX_CE); //Go back to receiving!
Note that while CE is set high at the end of the function, it is never set low. It’s not set low before calling this function either.
Is this a bug, or is it not really necessary to power off the RF front end to receive a payload? I can’t find anything in the NRF24L01 spec that says you must use CE to do a R_RX_PAYLOAD.
I’ve been using this code fragment for some time and it seems to work without bringing CE low to receive the payload. I now use two receivers for frequency diversity, so it would be convenient to just leave CE high while I read received payloads, selecting the receiver with the appropriate CSN input.
Dave Thomas