Cell Phone & Digital Camera Displays for Hobby Projects?

I am starting a project which needs a graphical display (as well as alphanumeric info). I had no luck in trying to find information about suitable lcd modules which would do the job. In thinking it over, I was struck at the lack of information describing the use of small lcd displays which are readily and widely available - these being the modules from discarded cell phones and digital cameras. So my question to this forum is - can anyone point me to references describing the interface to these types of displays, either specific or general. Any hints are greatly appreciated.

The problem is that the displays on consumer products usually use proprietry connections between their displays and controllers - both in the hardware and software sense.

By the time you track down data sheets, pin out diagrams, work out protocols etc, it’s easier to use a hobbiest-targeted display module, like something from 4d systems that are sold at Sparkfun

http://www.sparkfun.com/commerce/catego … p?cPath=76