Changing baud rate of RN-42 Mate Silver Bluetooth Module


I am using the RN-42 Bluetooth Module to transmit the temperature of a room to the tera terminal of my PC. So far, I have only got it to work with a baud rate of 115200. I tried to change the baud rate to 9600, but nothing was displayed onto the tera terminal. I changed the baud rate on my PIC microcontroller to 9600 and used the scope to verify that the baud rate was actually 9600. Is there a way to make the Bluetooth Module transmit to the tera terminal with a baud rate of 9600?

Hello Todd!

Yes, it’s possible to change the baud rate on the Bluetooth Mate Silver.

What you’re going to want to do is check page 26 on the [datasheet for the SU command. You might also have a look at our [hookup guide as well to learn how to send commands to the RN-42.](](