Clock Signal of 3V to 5V conversion using PRT-14765 Logic Level Converter - Single Supply

I have a question regarding PRT-14765 Logic Level Converter - Single Supply.

I want to convert a 3V trigger (clock) signal with a bandwidth of 100ms, period of 1Hz to a 5V trigger (clock) signal with bandwidth of 100ms, period of 1Hz.

Just want someone to confirm that this is possible with PRT14765 before buying the product.

Hi Akasa.

While we haven’t tested your particular situation, I don’t see any reason why PRT-14765 wouldn’t work for you. I think you’re all good. :slight_smile:

Thank you !!!

Hi Akasa.

While we haven’t tested your particular situation, I don’t see any reason why PRT-14765 wouldn’t work for you. I think you’re all good. :slight_smile:

I powered the PRT-14764, and input 3V clock signal on the A1 of the PRT-14765 and on the output, D1, I got 2.2V clock signal. Why am i getting that? I should be getting 5V clock signal from D1.


How are you measuring voltage?

Used Oscilloscope to measure the voltage. Never mind the earlier question, both the PRT-14765 that I used, burned due to grounding issue. Will never use PRT-14765 again.