Code boxes and formatting

Any chance the code box code could be changed to allow formatting like bolding, italics and underlining to work within the box ? I was trying to point out where I had made some changes (to someones Arduino code) with said formatting but alas they don’t function within the code tags. What happens is this :


and not any bold(ed) text.

Any chance the code box code could be changed to allow formatting like bolding, italics and underlining to work within the box ? I was trying to point out where I had made some changes (to someones Arduino code) with said formatting but alas they don’t function within the code tags. What happens is this :


and not any bold(ed) text.

I’m looking into this, but to be honest, it’s not looking very promising. You can install plugins that will provide PHP Syntax highlighting, but that seems to be about it so far. If anybody knows of a solution, please feel free to share.

Not a solution for the

 tag per se, but you could proably just add a new BBcode that inserts the html tags for fixed-width text that should then not affect any other BBcodes?
Edit: and no-wrap, if the intended purpose is indeed code.