Communication between two Arduino BT

We have 2 Arduino BT modules. What we try to do is to send digital input data taken from one device to another through bluetooth such that the other device will receive the message and set the necessary digital out ports as HIGH.

First of all we connected the device (Tx) to the laptop by entering ther necessary password “12345” and automatically COM port is assigned. Then with the necessary coding while we push a switch BT send “1” to the serial port.

Later we connected to the other device (Rx) to the laptop and completed the same steps above. Then with the coding while we send “1” with laptop through serial monitor we set the LED mode HIGH.

After this step we removed the laptop and tried to send “1” while pressing the switch in Tx module and tried to turn ON the LED but it didn’t work.

The reason might be the handshake protocol between two BT modules.

Because both of them want the necessary password ”12345” to start communication with each other. So my question is that is it possible to start communication between two Arduino BT modules.

And while initilazing the BT there is a code like this

Serial.println(“SET BT PAGEMODE 3 2000 1”);

Serial.println(“SET BT NAME ARDUINOBT”);

Serial.println(“SET BT ROLE 0 f 7d00”);

Serial.println(“SET CONTROL ECHO 0”);

Serial.println("SET BT AUTH * ");

Serial.println(“SET CONTROL ESCAPE - 00 1”);

Serial.println(“SET CONTROL BAUD 115200,8n1”);

Do we have tke make some changes to start communication.