Communication with AMQP protocol and communication with HTTP protocol with ESP32-WROOM-32D (4MB)

Transmission format JSON

Currently transmission protocol MQTT


Currently, I would like to replace it with the transmission protocol AMQT or HTTP protocol.

What should I do for this?

please tell me.

Hope is Arduino.

If it is not possible, you can use other software.

However, it is necessary to be able to write software only serially like Arduino.

Program example (This program is operating normally after confirming transmission and reception on WINDOWS AZURE)

#include <stdio.h>

#include <String.h>

#include <WiFi.h>

#include “Esp32MQTTClient.h”

loop ()



Char A [150]

snprintf (A, 150, "{" NO1 \ ": " 202009 \ ", " NO2 \ ":% 4d, " NO3 \ ":% 4d, ":% 4d, \ "NO4 ": \ "NG "} ", tempreature, sumtime, flow, pressure, Status_);

if (Esp32MQTTClient_SendEvent (& A [0])) {}




While this is a great question for the forum community, there is limited support that SparkFun can provide since this modification relies heavily on Espressif’s code for this. I would suggest that this question might be answerable by Espressif: … -inquiries. Alternatively, you could also request or view any Github issues relating to this functionality:

Thank you very much.

We will investigate the URL you received.

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