Components selection advice RFID Tag reader (M6E Nano)

I’m a newbie to Arduino world but with IT and electronics background. As a volunteer for a large trail running non-profit annual event in Canada, we need to track racers across off-grid sections. Would like to do a proof of concept with the M6E RFID Tag reader with external antenna. Simplest setup possible, running off battery with wifi connection to IridiumGo for satellite transmission. Which Arduino or Sparkfun board should I use?


The M6E RFID Tag reader itself is an Arduino Compatible board. You do not need to use an extra Arduino with this. If you want to add wifi, you can connect an ESP-01 with this. It’s the simplest wifi module of the ESP family. … sp-01.html

Thanks for the reply. I need a processor to read the incoming RFid tags from the M6E RFID Tag Reader, store them temporarily in memory (micro-SD?) so I can transmit groups every 10 minutes (to save on satellite transmission costs), then format a command string and forward it via wifi to the IridiumGo device using HTTP commands. It’s a volunteer project that should be very interesting!