Conductive thread and LED art project advice

Hi all. I’m trying to figure out supplies for a string-and-nail art style projects ([like this). I want students to be able to add conductive thread and LEDs on top of a project like the one pictured, and I am not even sure where to begin. [This thread looks promising, and possibly sequin LEDs. Has anyone ever done this kind of project and could give me at least an idea of how it might work? For context, I’m a librarian and I have basically 0 experience with this kind of project–I’m sorry this is vague but I’m in desperate need of a starting point. Thanks!](Stainless Thin Conductive Thread - 2 ply - 23 meter/76 ft : ID 640 : Adafruit Industries, Unique & fun DIY electronics and kits)](

Have you asked on Adafruit where you saw that thread? They have a bunch of people who work with textiles and electronics and can probably point you at a good starting point.

Just posted there too, thanks.