Connect EDGE DEVELOPMENT BOARD - APOLLO3 BLUE to Spectral Sensor Breakout - AS7263 NIR


I have an Edge Development Board and would like to connect it to a Spectral Sensor Breakout - AS7263 NIR.

Both boards support Qwiic, so I could probably just connect them with a Qwiic cable.

But how do I read the sensor data on the edge board?

There is a Github repository … sor_AS726X for reading the sensor data but the code is for Arduino and would not compile on the edge board.

Any idea?

Thanks for the support!

Hello asprenger, and thanks for your post.

Sadly we do not have any code for the AS7263 that will run on the Apollo3, but we do have a [programming guide for the Apollo3 that might be helpful. You would pretty much need to rewrite the library and example code for the AS7263 to run on the Apollo, but the basic structure of what you’d need is already there.

Once there is Arduino support for the Apollo3, the existing Arduino code and libraries will probably work without any major changes.](

Thank you very much for this information, that is what I already expected.

My goal is to process the data from the spectral sensor with a TensorFlow model. The model is small at can run on a microcontroller. The microcontroller support in Tensorflow Lite is experimental and supported hardware is currently limited. Adafruit has ported TF Lite to Arduino, see:

They say the TFLite port runs on SAMD51. When I check this against the Sparkfun boards I find the “SparkFun Thing Plus” that might work. Do you think this could work or could you recommend alternatives?

Again, thanks for the support!

It’s noting I’ve tried before, but it looks like the Thing Plus and Adafruit’s board use the same processor. If it runs on their board, it most likely would run on ours too.

asprenger, I just compiled the example code using the Apollo3 Arduino core, and uploaded it to my Edge board. I do not have an AS7263 sensor to test it with but I suspect that it should work. Try installing the Apollo3 Arduino core (instructions: … stallation) and give it a shot! Let us know how it goes.